Perpetual spinach

Trill Farm Garden
£2.70 300 g Perpetual spinach

A bag of our perpetual spinach from the market garden. This can be treated in exactly the same way as you might cook true spinach, and in terms of taste it is somewhere between chard and true spinach.

Best to store in the fridge in a bag, or if the stalks are long enough you can put it in a glass of water and keep on the side in the kitchen.

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We always receive beautiful, fresh produce that encourages us to try new things as well as enjoy firm favourites. The delivery service is fantastic, and the salad is always very popular in our household!

— TFG box scheme customer

This veg bag scheme is one of the few good new things to have happened this year. It has been wonderful to have such a wide variety of delicious veg, always fresh and bursting with flavour.

— Cecilia Healey

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